Disputes of targetsamong Hakims
Why did not God create creatures from the beginning with perfection?
philosophers, Hakims, and Gnostics ask ifwhatever emerges in the
universe is in its ultimate desirable level or its moving towards its
For responding to the question brought upin this article, we
will study the view of Abu al-Abbas Iranshahri, who probably was the
master of NāsirKhusraw. Iranshahriwho presents his views in his
Festschrift(YadNameh)believes that the ultimate form of objects is
desirable. He and his followers believe that which is farther away
fromthe Creator’s destination should not emerge in the universe. Why did
the Wise (Hakim) Creator not create that which is closer to its
This subject shows that creatures should move gradually
towards perfection.Why did not God create creatures with perfection from
the beginning?Why did He give talent to primary particles to achieve
perfectiongradually?If we want to give an example for Iranshahri’s
words, we will say as we live in a house when it has reached its
ultimate habitable capacity to live in; we eat food when we have an
ultimatetendency; we create friendship when we are in the ultimate level
of kindness; and humans go towards that which is in the ultimate level
of presence.Therefore, humans also should be created in the ultimate
level of perfection.
Researcher and divine philosopher, OstsdSeyyed
Ali Mousavi, in response toIranshahri says, “If Almighty God granted
absolute perfection to any creature, many particles of the universe
might complain and yell asking whether they were not worthy to be
We should know that all perfections are in demand,
not in hopelessness. The basis is expressing the essence and demands. If
a creature desires something however it is silent, it will persecute
both itself and the system of theworld. Thus, the illumination of
perfection originates from demand and desire is hidden in the essence of
whatever Almighty God has created and this demand isboth holy and
becomes close to the target. A child has a kind of perfection at birth;
in the age of youth he has another perfection, in old age he has another
perfection, and in high scientific stages he has another perfection;
all of them are perfected and beautiful.
According to
Iranshahri’sview, if all creatures were to be created in perfection at
the beginning of creation, this would be exactly the same as giving a
PhD to an unaware person. This meansthat the creation of creatures in
perfection is similar to giving an honorary doctorate to someone who
does not deserve itand this kind of granting is absolute determinism
which is totally unacceptable.
On the other hand, according to
Iranshahri’squestion, is it possible that Almighty God created
imperfection?For example, in this material world, when a defective human
wants to reveal something, he tries to express the most beautiful
aspectof himself. With this introduction, is it basically accepted that
theAbsolute Hakim, Exalted Hakim and the wisest Hakim and the most
beautiful of all beauties creates an imperfect creature?
God is
absolutely in ultimate perfection and His action is not incomplete or
imperfect. Whatever his favor andillumination isupon, should be
beautiful and excellent, and certainly great.
Therefore, one more
time, we expressiranshahri’s question.He says, “Is it not true that
Almighty God likes that eachof His creatures reach perfection? Not only
humans, but also trees, mountains, andreptilesshould be perfected.
Therefore, why should He create His creature weak and imperfect to live
for a while in this material world in order to reach perfection
Divine philosopher,OstadSeyyed Ali Mousavi presents
another answer and says, “What do you think is beauty and perfect?” We
believe that whatever exists in this world is beautiful and illuminated.
Mr. Iranshahri,if everyone is supposed to achieve perfection in the way
you consider, as we said, it will be absolute determinism and we cannot
accept absolute determinism.
Yes, Almighty God should present His
power, favor, illumination, particles and attraction;He should make
combinations, present desires, love, and enthusiasm which exist in the
essence of each creature, but the greatness and glory of these particles
is in exposing their inner hidden waves.
Derived from the series of
research- based discussions of divine philosopher OstadSeyyed Ali
Mousavi under teaching of Holy Surah Anam.