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The Life of Sheikh Ansari – Part6

In the Name of God

Prayers of a Mother
 The greatness and magnificence of some religious leaders truly astonishes one and makes us wonder whether they are humans or super-humans.
One of these great people was Sheikh Morteza Ansari (May Allah grant him higher degrees).
Sheikh Mansour, Sheikh Morteza’s brother, said:
I was with my brother for twenty-two years and saw nothing but honesty, uniqueness and truthfulness in his words, purity in his deeds, steadfastness at events, keeping promises, tranquility in speech and uniqueness in beliefs.
In other words, during those twenty-two years I have neither seen nor heard any behavior, word or action from him which was not virtuous. I am amazed at how I have not seen any misconduct from a person who is in constant contact with people, whose words are for all and who is involved in social work!
At one time I wondered how it was possible for a human being to have so much honesty and truthfulness in him.
I asked him, “How is it that you are so unique with your characteristics?”
He replied, “Whatever I have is from my mother’s prayers!”     
He continued, “At adolescence, I asked my mother to request God to grant me a satisfying temperament.
“And all this is only because of my mother’s prayers!”


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