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Shihabun Thaqib

Interpretation part contains some subjects such as the meaning of the term ‘Seir’ (spiritual journey), believing in physical ascent of Rasulullah (PBUH) which is an essential part of our religion and explaining different intellectual and scientific views about it, Qurb-e-nawafil and Qurb-e-farayiz, types of guidance, Huduth (new creation) or Qidam (eternity before creation) of the Quran, etc.

The philosophical part includes some subjects such as researching the Peripatetic School and its founders and brief review of the life of Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, etc.

Research-based part contains the life of our Mawla, Ali Ibn Abi Talib (AS) and his greatness according to scientists such as Dhirar Ibn Dhumrah, The Comprehensive Compilation of the Names of the Prophet's Companions, ‘Al-Istiab Fi Marifat Al- Ashab’ which was written by Ibn Abd-al-Barr, Hafiz Abu Na’eem and Ibn Abi Al-Hadid, etc.

Shihabun Thaqib