Seyed Ali Mousavi Professor website

Title : Ayatullah Seyyed Abdul Hadi Estahbanati Shirazi Date : 22 Jun 2016 Today : 08 /05 /2024 استاد موسوی

In the Name of Allah

At the time of Ayatullah Burujerdi, students of theology and scholars were provided with bread coupons. However, these were not paper coupons, but rather money orders for wheat and flour were issued for the city of Najaf and as per his instruction wheat and flour were given to some bakeries for scholars to get free bread from those bakeries. If the parents of the students of theology had travelled from Iran or other places to Najaf, they too would receive free bread from the bakeries. However, if the students invited guests, they could use the free bread for three days and thereafter the students had to either take a second permission or they had to buy bread from another place. In addition, if the scholars’ family members sometimes did not need bread, they would take less bread from the bakeries and if they needed extra bread for a newborn child, they would inform the related person. In other words, no one would take more bread than that they required.
This sincerity and unity was prevalent during the time of Ayatullah Burujerdi in Najaf Howzehs (Najaf Religious Seminaries) and when there was unity among the scholars in using bread, their lives would be amazing. In other words, when a student of theology was sincere in getting bread, his wife and children too would be honest in their daily affairs.
Obviously, when twelve thousand clergies and their family members were so sincere in receiving bread, the effects of this prevailing condition in Najaf would be undoubtedly extremely favourable. In other words, there was no lie, no fault, no deceit, no cheating, and no error. Rather, the prevailing state in Najaf Religious Seminaries was based on knowledge, research, and unity.
The effect of the bread provided to the scholars and their sincerity in using the bread was that at times when some of them would go to a butcher’s shop to buy a little amount of meat, because of their inner enlightenment when they looked at the meat they could perceive that for example it had come from a sheep which had been bought partly by means of usurpation. Hence, they would not buy such meat. However, they were not permitted to utter a word to others about what they had seen.
Dairy products were abundant in Najaf. Every morning those who had cows would milk their cows locally. Sometimes when the mentioned scholars who had inner sight would go to buy milk or other dairy products and would look at the centre of the milk, they would perceive whether the cow which had been milked had used hay or water of doubtful origin. However, these scholars too had no right to say anything about what had happened to them.
The environment was one of spirituality which resulted from enlightened minds. Hence, they had extremely peaceful lives and would attain the position of Ijtihad after maximum 15 years although the aforesaid position required scholars to study well for around 25 years.     
Enlightened hearts, peaceful environments, Halal (permissible according to Islamic law) food, non-existence of deceit and worldly temptations in their lives all resulted in blessings for the scholars of those days. The reason for all this was the bread coupons provided by money orders sent by Ayatullah Burujerdi from Iran
In other words, all the blessings poured upon the scholars of those days stemmed from the pure bread they ate which resulted in spirituality.
Therefore, many great people believe all that is caused by people of the world originate in their parent’s houses. The reason why some children are filled with anxiety, grudge, fault, and mistrust and can not be purified in any way - neither with science, nor with perfection, and not even with supplication - and suffer from an absolute darkness from within is mainly because of the food provided by their parents.
Anyhow, Ayatullah Estahbanati once heard that Ayatullah Burujerdi was to send money orders for the coupons of the theology students. He sent a message to Ayatullah Burujerdi asking for bread coupons, stating, “I will be honoured if the bread which goes down into my stomach comes from a son of Fatimah Zahra (SA). Although Ayatullah Estahbanati himself was a Seyyed, he was honoured to eat bread ordered to be baked by a Seyyed from the generation of Fatimah Zahra (SA). This was because he had a very high view of scientific status of scholars on the one hand and their relationship with Fatimah Zahra (SA) on the other hand. A Fatwa (a pronouncement in Islam issued by a religious law specialist) issued by him was, “All those who proclaim Towheed (Monotheism), the Holy Quran, Nabuwwat (Prophethood of Rasullulah) and Wilayat (Guardianship of Imam Ali and Our Infallible Imams) and live in a Sadaat (from the generation of Ali [AS] and Fatimah [SA]) family are like jewels onto whom impurities have no effect”. In other words, as the head of such a house is from the generation of Fatimah Zahra (SA), anyone who is fed in such a house will be like a jewel. If impurities of sins approach such people, they will immediately be washed away.
In this article, we presented some important and amazing points about Ayatullah Estahbanati and Ayatullah Burujerdi which if put into action by any person, he/she will not be filled with darkness from within due to unpleasant events but will rather be filled with spirituality and will leave everything to Almighty Allah.