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Sirajun Munir

Interpretation part contains the Naskh (abrogation) view in the verses of the Holy Quran, conditions of being an interpreter of the Quran, researching different interpretations of the term “Ma la ta’lamum” and greatness of Imam Mahdi (May Allah hasten his reappearance), the life of Dhirar ibn Dhumrah, Edison’s life and the secret of his success, philosophers’ views about intellect, comparison of religious views and those of Laplace on creation of the world, etc.

Research-based part on morals and Islamic gnosis includes understanding angels, the root of morals and gnosis, the term “Sirr” (secret) and the manner of perception of secrets by Mulla Sadra, embodiment of the secret of Imam Ali (AS) in the ‘Moqattaah’ (mysterious letters of the Holy Quran), researches of Brockelmann about the secret of Ali (AS), research on astronomy, Abu Reyhan’s relation with the holy position of Ismat and Wilayat, research on the ancestors of Rasulullah (PBUH), preliminaries of the birth of the Prophet (PBUH), marriage and ascent of the Prophet (PBUH).

Sirajun Munir